It takes 1 hour 30 minutes from KGU to Yatsushiro. It is located the center of Kumamoto. Yatsushiro has a population of about 110,000. It is the second city in Kumamoto.
It has a classic event. It is called "Myoken-festival" This festival continue for hundreds years. It is one of the big festival in Kyusyu. You can see "Game", "Lion dance", "Horse", "Portable shrines" and so on. "Game" mixes turtle and snake. If you are bited by lion dance in childfood, it is said that you are in good health anytime. Every year, It takes place at 23 November.It is very exciting!!
There is "fireworks". It is a nation-wide fireworks. Firework worker compete their skill. Every year, many people visit there. This year, it takes place at Saturday 21 October. It is very beautiful!!
Recently, it was built two big shopping center. One is "you&me town". The other is "Ieon". I like both of them. They has many shops. You will have good time.
I want to go Yatushiro. Myouken Festival I have never see. But, I gess very this festivavl intresting?! good good good. bye.
Hi! I'm writing4-2 student. I live in Kumamoto now, but my hometown is Yatsushiro.
I also think Myoken Festival is very nice!!
After I looked your blog,I knew the Myouken Festival for the first time.But I'm from Kumamoto….And it looks so nice!!I think it has already finished,but next year I want to go there!
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